UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It was founded in 1945 to promote international peace and security by promoting education, science, culture, and communication. UNESCO works to further the ideals of human rights, cultural diversity, and sustainable development. It comprises 193 Member States and 11 Associate Members and protects world heritage sites, promotes literacy and education, and encourages intercultural dialogue. UNESCO also improves access to information and knowledge by promoting scientific research, media freedom, and freedom of expression.


Topic A:

Advocating for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in the Post-Conflict Landscape of Afghanistan

Topic B:

Analyzing the governments' censorship of the media's impact on freedom of expression


Mel Azin

UNESCO Head Chair

Hi delegates! My name is Mel Azin, and I'm in the eleventh grade at Pan American School of Bahia. I'm thrilled to be the UNESCO Committee chair for the first time at SALMUN. I began debating in MUN in sixth grade, but I have not attended a conference since ninth grade. Nonetheless, this won't be a problem because my MUN knowledge is ingrained. Outside of MUN, I like volleyball, running, and spending time with my friends and family. Nonetheless, debate is one of my favourite hobbies, so I shall enjoy guiding delegates in this direction. I hope everyone enjoys themselves during this conference. Please inform me if you have any questions. 24azinm@pasb.com.br. Cannot wait until May!!

Helen Habersin

UNESCO Vice Chair

Hi, my name is Helen Habersin, and this year I will be Vice-Chair of the UNESCO committee for the 2023 SALMUN. I have studied at the Pan American School of Bahia since I was two and am currently in 11th grade. I am excited to co-lead this committee and look forward to enjoying this year's SALMUN with outstanding delegates and excellent chairs. I hope everyone enjoys this conference and learns a lot from it by exploring the skills and characteristics of MUN.